Multi Mode: D-StarC4FMDMR | Server-side bridged on NLX204 Platform

Multi Mode Reflector Platform set up by PAØROB. Main language Dutch. --- Fully server-side Bridged ---
Status Reflector Dashboard Type Mode Bridged to Remark Server Software
[ON] NL PAØROB (this) YSF Reflector C4FM [YSF] XLX204 [ON] (XLX D-Star)
TG 204022 [off] (BM DMR)
Reflector DTMF Id: 59819 Raspberry Pi 4B/4GB YSF Reflector, {YSF2DMR}
[ON] XLX204 AMBE[ON] (Module V) XLX Multiprotocol D-Star ⇔ DMR/C4FM NL PAØROB (this) Connected as XLX204_V Raspberry Pi 4B/4GB XLX Multiprotocol

... pay attention: leave a break for at least 3 seconds ...


Currently TXing
Time (Europe/Amsterdam) Callsign Target Gateway TX-Time

HAM Radio License is REQUIRED. Before you can get on the air you need to be licensed and know the rules to operate legally.
... unlink any Reflector when you're not actively using it (listen to) ...

Connected YSFGateways
Reporting Time (Europe/Amsterdam) Gateway
2024-04-18 14:00:59XLX204_V (XLX204 _Module)
2024-04-18 14:00:59TG 204022 (FreeDMR)
Last Heard List
Time (Europe/Amsterdam) Callsign Target Gateway Dur (s)
Todays Heard List
Time (Europe/Amsterdam) Callsign Target Gateway Dur (s)


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NLX204 schematic overview

YSFReflector-Dashboard V 20180616-2 (GitID unknown) [Restructured by PAØROB] | Last Reload 2024-04-18, 14:02:18 (Europe/Amsterdam) | get your own at: